Pixelated Halloween Quilt along

Welcome to the Halloween Pixelated Quilt along!!

Want to sew along with us?  Here's how it works!

Blocks are released the 1st of the month from October 2021 to October 2022. You can choose to purchase the block or use a code from a participating store to get the block for free for the first week.

Each block assembly will be streamed live over two online classes on YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/quiltoni


Participating Stores

Salem Stitches Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Warm N Cozy Columbia, Illinois
The Fabric Bin Aberdeen, South Dakota
Quilt Central Academy Janesville, Wisconsin

Don't see your local quilt store on the list?  Just ask them to participate! It's free!


Now let's get sewing!

(Click on the page to see a printable version)