Sewing Race for Starlight
It's Starlight Fundraising TIME!!!
Catch me live on Twitch! (Schedule posted on Mondays)
Donate and win! Every $5 donated to Starlight through my campaign earns a ticket “to win” the quilt I make during this campaigns sewing race.
Speaking of, it's time for another Sewing Race!! This time, a Jelly Roll race!
Hosted by Smirky Saturday, September 24th 1pm et start time!!! Sign up to Participate in the Race live or sign up to enter the best in show! The winner of the live race gets an amazing prize pack from Clover, Shannon Fabrics and Oliso! Winner of Best in Show also gets a Clover, Shannon Fabrics and Oliso prize pack!

Everyone who beats me in the race gets a $15 gift card to my website!!
Winner of Race, a prize pack worth over $450!!:
- Oliso Pro Plus Smart Iron TG1600
- Clover Gift Pack
- A 2 yard cut of cuddle fabric:
- Dapple Jelly Roll from Northcott!
- $15 Gift Card to Quiltoni
Winner of Best in Show:
- Clover Gift Pack
- A 2 yard cut of cuddle fabric:
- Oliso Mini Iron (US Shipping Only)
- $15 Gift Card to Quiltoni
Shipping eligibility for Prizes:
- Clover Gift Pack - United States
- Shannon Fabrics Cuddle Fabric - United States
- Oliso - United States
- Quiltoni Gift Card - Worldwide
Participation Guidelines:
Sign up to Race Live - Cost $40 usd
Eligible for Prizes:
Winner of Race, Beating Toni in Race, Best in Show
- Everyone who "beats" Toni in the Race is eligible for a $15 gift card to
- Register between August 22nd and Sept 22nd to participate
- You must know how to use Zoom before the race
- You must log in by 12:45pm est into the Zoom meeting (link will be provided on the 23rd) or you will not be included in the race
- Your camera angle must be able to show you at your main sewing machine and show the progress of your quilt
- Do NOT open your Jelly Roll until we are live and I say GO (Don't forget to take a picture of you and your unopened Jelly Roll for Best in Show prize)
- You may use up to an additional 2 yards of a single fabric. This is OPTIONAL and should only be done if you want to purposefully slow yourself down or go for Best in Show. You still need to use all 40 strips of your jelly roll.
- If you were a previous winner you must either a) Use a pattern that requires some cutting of the jelly roll fabric OR b) Use at least 1 additional yard of fabric.
- Your Jelly Roll must have 40 strips of 2.5" of fabric or 2 "mini" unopened Jelly Rolls of 20 strips of 2.5" of fabric. If your jelly roll has more than this, you may use it all or set aside strips so you have 40.
- You may not have an additional person helping, this is all you. Ironing, Sewing, assembly, everything. ALL YOU
- You may pre-wind Bobbins
- We are only making the tops. You do not need to finish off your quilt.
- To be eligible for the Grand Prize or Gift Certificates, your top must be completely finished, ironed, and ready for basting.
- Please remember to keep voice chat PG and free of politics and religion
- If you are outside the shipping area for any prize you can opt to pay for shipping to win that prize
- Automatically eligible for Best in Show and you do not need to donate another $30 for Make a Jelly Roll Quilt.
Sign up to Make a Jelly Roll Quilt - Cost $30 usd
Eligible for Prizes:
Best in Show, Random Prize of Participants
- Register between August 22nd and Sept 30th to participate
- If you are outside the shipping area for any prize you can opt to pay for shipping to win that prize
- Submit 2 photos by Sept 30th 11:59pm est to
- First photo of you holding the unopened Jelly Roll. I must be able to see the fabric in the Jelly Roll and your face (this is only for me and will not be published).
- Second photo of the Finished Quilt Top only. Do NOT finish your quilt until you have taken this picture. This is a contest of tops, not of quilting.
- You may use up to an additional 2 yards of a single fabric. This is OPTIONAL You still need to use all 40 strips of your jelly roll.
- Your Jelly Roll must have 40 strips of 2.5" of fabric or 2 "mini" unopened Jelly Rolls of 20 strips of 2.5" of fabric
- You may not have an additional person helping, this is all you. Ironing, Sewing, assembly, everything. ALL YOU.
- You must use all of the fabric in your jelly roll except the selvages. No applique or foundation piecing. You are allowed to "square up" as long as you are not cutting off more than 2 inches of fabric.
- All Quilt Top photos will be displayed on Quiltoni's Social Media and voting will be open October 1 - October 7. The quilt top with the most votes at 8:00pm et Oct 7 wins! (I will not be putting names or screen names with the photos).
Want to slow me down or win the quilt I make that day using a Jelly Roll from Northcott?? Tune in and donate!!
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